It's your choice... Go to the movie theater and spend your Childs inheritance on movie tickets, popcorn and a drink (for a movie that might be garbage) or re-create a movie going experience in the comfort of your own home. We can help you create a "better-than-going-to-the-movies" movie experience. Whatever your idea of a "theater experience" is, we can build it. From the Chevrolet to a Porsche, we can create the basic to the sublime. With new surround technologies such as Dolby Atmos and DTS-X, new video technologies like 4k, 8k, HDR, Dolby Vision and 4k streaming, "home theater" is truly amazing. Plus, what could be better than pressing a "pause" button to get something to eat or take a "potty" break? With the new Kaleidescape Strato V 4k Movie Server, you can finally show "better than theater" quality movies, concerts, television shows and more in the comfort of your own home. With audio and video far above and beyond any streaming service available today! You just invested in a great system - add the "cherry" on top of the cake with the new Kaleidescape Strato V. Better than theater quality - at home! Talk to us!